Monday, October 18, 2010


This red shirt or that dark black one? Should I call him/her or not? Should I go to the party? Which movie do we watch? and more plethora of questions....popping every one's mind,everyday,every other moment. Some silly,some hectic and tense ! Its about taking the right decision at the right time (supposed to be a key to success) !

But I am quite skeptical,to what "THE RIGHT DECISION" is? I wear a red tie,because my Girlfriend likes it or I wear a grey tie as it looks classy and I love it,who decides which of these decisions is more correct than the other? Well,that is a stupid question to ask,but good decisions come from bad experience and bad experience comes from wrong conclusions ! Voila,So what do You do? Take a wrong decision to get bad experience and right decision making skill,or simply choose what seems right ?

Some decisions are tough to make, like which institution should you join for higher education and what stream would be a perfect choice(in case you don't know where your interest lies) ?
some are really tougher;
a)Should you marry or not ?(If your pretty confidently affirmative,ask a few elders and they'll share their bitter-sweet experience !)
b)Go for arranged marriage or love marriage ?(Have heard that love marriages are more prone break,statistics speaks volumes !)
c)If arranged then, let parents decide your spouse or you do it yourself (matrimony sites) ?
d)If love marriage, (in case of love triangle) whom to choose the one I love or the one who loves me ?
(competitive exam with options a,b,c,d are so much easier :) )

But let me tell you some thing interesting, many times abiding by the decision is lot more tougher than actually taking decisions! How many times have you decided to study seriously?
Or how many times you unsuccessfully tried going on a diet?
I have another million ways to prove my point , so dare to disagree on this! And speaking by my experience,the interesting thing is,how happy and satisfied you are after taking that decision,decides if your decision was right.Thats what I believe is the secret to right decisions !

Another important thing is,taking self-made decisions .One must lend his ear to all,but mind to none.There are people who respect every decision by their parents,it's good getting parents involved because they have more experience making mistakes,but you should not be dependent or puppet to them.Make your opinion count !

Its even more tough to deny our friends influencing our decision,thats right PEER PRESSURE,(I myself face it,living in a hostel !)
Its okay to give-in at times,like going for outing or playing  a sport or maybe Bunking lectures.But when it comes to notorious habits(smoking,drinking,drugs or even porn) never be afraid to SAY NO !
You may regret initially or be left-out in a crowd, but its you who will have the last laugh.

Keep taking decision,its you who decides if its right or wrong !